Buying from the trade and public for over 40 years
Paying the best possible prices for your unwanted items
All types of gold, silver, platinum, jewellery, pocket & wrist watches and coins purchased in any condition.
We buy Gold from 9ct to 24ct - old, modern, foreign, un-hallmarked, scrap... even broken!

Upcoming events at these regular venues
- Fri, 14 FebWhite Hart Hotel - Barnes Ro, St Austell
- Fri, 21 FebBirch Hotel -Bridge Room, Haywards Heath
- Fri, 28 FebCock Hotel - Oak Room, Stony Stratford
We purchase all forms of rings, bracelets, all gold coins, pre-1947 silver coins, watches (working or not), foreign, industrial and dental gold, silver items, platinum, palladium, diamond and other gem set jewellery are always wanted.
We purchase all types of Jewellery. Condition is unimportant, we can restore damaged items.
We purchase all types of gold items in any condition. Old, modern, foreign, hallmarked, un-hallmarked and scrap wanted.
Pavilion wish to purchase all silver objects in any condition. British or foreign silver wanted.
Watches wanted working or not
We are strong buyers of gold and silver coins.
We also buy a range of other items
Please contact Mike Hawkins for any enquiries or to arrange a home visit.
01273 302052 / 07980 939683
VAT REG. No. 946 3536 02